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Read online ebook Tom Mikotowicz - Bio-Bibliographies in the Performing Arts: Oliver Smith : A Bio-Bibliography No. 43 TXT, DJV


This reference provides a complete and concise record of the life and work of Oliver Smith, one of the foremost set designers of modern American theater. Narrative sections of the volume discuss Smith's career and life. Additional chapters document and analyze Smith's scenography from 1941 to the present, with special emphasis on exemplary productions and on his role in the development of American scene design. Chapters on ballet, musicals, plays, operas, and movie musicals contain entries for particular productions. Each entry explores the significance of a particular production. An appendix lists productions in chronological order and provides entry numbers to assist the reader in locating information in the book. An annotated bibliography of works by and about Smith provides additional information, and an index provides a means of accessing topics alphabetically. This bio-bibliography is a complete and concise record of the life and work of Oliver Smith, one of the foremost set designers of modern American theater.

Bio-Bibliographies in the Performing Arts: Oliver Smith : A Bio-Bibliography No. 43 by Tom Mikotowicz in DJV, MOBI, PDF